Hi! I'm Jim Hruby, and Welcome to My Home Page!

Last Updated on August 20, 1996
Here is a picture of my wife and I that I keep on my desk.

I've finally had time again to update this page (after a little pressure from the folks who know I just became a "Dad"!).

Chances are, You're probably nowhere near as excited about this page as I am, but being this is my first presence on the net, I thought I'd share as much of the neat "stuff" I've found as I can...

There is no doubt in my mind that this page will be under perpetual construction, but so far, here are the links to some of the neatest "things" I have found...

Expect to see some audio (and perhaps even video) soon!

THIS IS IT!! Have you ever seen one of THESE?

Pregnancy Test

If so, then I need not explain it to you. If not, it means that Jim is going to be a "Dad" (!) on or about July 20, 1996! Click here to see a 12 and a half week old embryo. Here is an explanation of exactly what you're looking at. I have two more (if you're interested...) this one, and one more!

It Happened! On July 24, 1996, Karen and I became parents! Here's a few pictures of us with our new baby .

Have you ever seen a Himalayian cat? I've got a Connectix QuickCam, and was fooling around with it. Click here to see a picture of "Sushi".

Jim Hruby's Bookmarks

Horoscope Stuff

Jonathan Cainer's Zodiac Forecasts (US)
Jonathan Cainer's Live Internet Radio Forecasts!!
Horoscopes / Astrology: Weekly Cyber-Stars from John James

Pink Floyd Stuff

Pink Floyd Home Page
ECHOES Title Page
Floydian Slip
What if Syd hadn't left Pink Floyd - part 1

Some Really Neat Links

Point Communications --> Top Sites
HotWired: Net Surf
The Spot
Bill Beaty's Homepages
c|net online front door
Mark's list of Internet Interactivity: Remote Control
Public NetXchange - Pink's Place BBS
Marty's Cool Links Page
The Scott List
Matthew McGehrin's Bookmarks


Mega Internet Shopping List
Internet Shopping Network
CDnow! The Internet Music Store

Fun, But Non-Productive Stuff

Christmas 'round the World(WideWeb)
Entertainment:Comics:Comic Strips
Animaniacs pointers
Useless WWW Pages
The Cyrano Server
The l0pht eye sees all
The "How bored are you?" game


The Amazing Fish Cam!
Mail Order Pet Shop
DISCUS-L List of Discus breeders

Noise and Music

Jim Morrison's (The Doors) Final Resting Place
RadioNet Audio Archives
Welcome to Real Audio !

Documents, Lookups, and PC Software

Reference Sources

Hypertext Webster Interface
All-in-One Search Page
TV Tonite
Consumer Information Center
Declassified Satellite Photographs
The Speed Trap Registry
The Wiretap Web Site
gopher://scilibx.ucsc.edu/11/The Library/Electr...
Espial's Cardio-Nutrition Formula - NUTRA CLEANSE
Creole/Cajun/etc Recipe Page


Internet Hourly News

PC Software

The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Compliant Software
Stroud's CWSApps List - Main Menu
Creative Labs FTP Site
Directory of /simtel

Sex, Violence, Money, and Other Assorted Sin


For Your Eyes Only.....
Quick Reference Index for bianca's SMUT-Shack
EroticaTender! Adult Home Page
Welcome to HOTnet entertainment! - Cover page

Real Money

Security APL Quote Server
PC Quote/Spacecom Systems Stock Quote Server

Play Money

Universal Access Inc. BlackJack Server
The Virtual Vegas Home Page

Assorted Violence, and Some Gross Stuff

The Morgue
Dan's Gallery of the Grotesque [top]
Chuck Farnham's Weird World
Freaks-The Showcase!

More Neat Stuff for My Home Page


Farside directory (alphabetically)
A Calvin and Hobbes archive
One of my favorite Calvin and Hobbes Comics.

Model Rockets and Fireworks

Shawn Switenky's Hobbies Page
Model Rocket Movies!
NERO Home page
John Robert LoVerso
JLV's Rockets
The Amazing Alhambra liquid nitrogen rocket
Fireworks Central
Toms Pyro Page
Tombstone Productions Special Effects Supplies Department

Howard Stern Sound Clips
Recreation, Sports & Hobbies
Images of the Nanoworld
Cellular Unique
Nokia Mobile Phones/Asia Pacific and the Gulf
Brian's Home Page

I can be reached via email using
